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Track my School App

Steps to download the School App from App Store or Play Store

  1. Download the App named ASPIRE BILINGUAL SCHOOL from the Play Store or App Store as shown below
  2. After downloading, open the app. Once the app is open, enter your registered Email ID with the school to receive OTP.
  3. In the next step, enter the Phone Number registered with the school.
  4. Then enter your First Name and Last Name.
  5. After entering all the above details, you will receive a verification code in your registered email address. Copy that verification code and enter in the interface as shown below.
  6. After the Verification process, you will see the dashboard to view different details. Note: Only the Fee details can be viewed through this App.
  7. Press on the Fee Dues icon, the below interface will appear to view the pending installments. Then select the installment and press the Pay button to pay the fees using KNet.